In the early 1950's Westmount was a developing area in Edmonton. Dr. George Evenson, then Pastor of Central Lutheran Church and the Canadian Member of the Board of Home Missions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, was advised of a massive residential development taking place west of the municipal airport. He called on the city planner to determine what areas were set aside for churches, and reserved the site where Mount Zion is now located.
Dr. Evenson reported his findings to Dr. Mars Dale, President of the Canada District and Dr. P Dybvig, Executive Director of the Board of Home Missions. They came to Edmonton to evaluate the proposal that a new mission be placed here. The fall 1953 meeting of the Board approved in principle a decision to build the church as one of the 1954 projects. However, in the spring of 1954 the mission budget was cut back and the Edmonton mission was one of several projects dropped. A new method of funding the projects was proposed, that well-established congregations be asked to sponsor approved missions. Dr. Evenson suggested that his home congregation, Lake Sinai Lutheran Church in South Dakota be approached. The congregation voted against it, but six members of the congregation-IverErickson, Edward Evenson, Arnt Hope, Albert Negstad, Peter Peterson, and Osborne Stime--put mortgages on their farms to loan $65,000 for the new mission. The lots were purchased and a new mission established. Conrad Lund was the first Pastor. Services were first held in the Inglewood School, beginning December 12, 1954.
A parsonage was built and was dedicated February 20, 1955. April 24, 1955 the congregation was organized, with 73 charter members, and the ground was broke for the church building. The cornerstone of the church was laid December 11, 1955 and the first service was held in the sanctuary that day. The church was dedicated September 23, 1956.
Growth was rapid as programs-Sunday School, Confirmation class, Youth Group, Women's Group, Choir, Day Kindergarten, Cubs and Scouts, Dew Drop In---were added. By 1960 there were 500 members and 2 worship services per Sunday were started (till 1968). A parish worker, Anita (Wolter) Yont, was called. By the 10th Anniversary in 1965 there were 700 members. Mount Zion sponsored a new parish in St. Albert, to which 35 members transferred in 1966.
Updated May 2021 by Dr. Len Evenson